His wife Kimberlee, son Alden, & daughter Cassie were there. We played in the backyard under the mulberry tree, until my dad came & picked Molly and I up. After that we came home, where mom soon joined us.
While waiting for mom to get home I played with Pretzel (my dog, the big brown awesome one!), and Molly, and took a bunch of pictures of Molly's new do. Check her out! :]

Great pics Christina! LOOOOOOve that you have a blog. Will be stalking it everyday. Love you sista! ~Kara
Hey!!!! Nice blog!!! Molly is even cuter now with her new do!!! (Pretzel too of course) Sounds like a great day!!!
Hey those pictures are great. Love your blog. Wow Molly sure is a unusual color. Kinda cool. She looks like a Australian Shepards colors gone wild.
Keep the posts coming, I am loving them.
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