Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Me! :D

So instead of just typing a bunch of boring paragraphs about me, myself, & I, and going on & on about my life story, I've decided to do a survey or three instead! :]

200. My last name(s):

199. I was born in:
Clare, MI

198. I am really:

197. My phone is:
Hint<--i hate it

196. My eye color is:
silverish blue

194. My ring size is:
7? idk

193. My height is:

192. I am allergic to:
latex, compazine

191. I was born on:
January 13th 1992

190. I am annoyed by:

188. My bed is:

187: One thing you don't like about yourself:

186. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
back I think? it turns into a side sleep though. If I'm really tired its on my stomach<--same..i think,

185. How do you vent anger?
music, ...

184. How did your day start off?

183. Can you handle the truth?
i guess

182. Do you get along with guys or girls better?

181. How do you think you look right this moment?
like a pile of crap

180. Last person you went to the movies with?
Max, hp6

179. My favorite Holiday is:

178. The Perfect Kiss is:
any kiss in the past almost 5 months

177. The last cd I bought was:

175. Are you living at home?

174. Do you have any siblings?:

173. What did you do yesterday?

:::I Do /Do Not Believe In:::

142. Love at first sight?

141. Luck?

140. Fate?:

138. Aliens?:

137. Heaven?:

136. Hell?:

135. Ghosts?

134. Horoscopes?:

133. Soulmates?:

:::Which is Better?:::

128. Drunk or High?

127. On the phone or online?
eh. in his arms.

126. Red heads or blondes?:
Blondes :) yay Jamie! woot go blondes! lol

125. Blondes or Brunettes?:
Blondes :)<--- :D

124. Hot or cold?:
luke warm :P

123. Summer or winter?

121. Chocolate or vanilla?:

120. Night or Day?:

119. Oranges or Apples?:

118. Curly or Straight hair:?:

:::Here's What I Think About:::

116. Abortion:
Kills more people in one day than the entire war in Iraq has killed so far.


115. Backstabbers:

114. Parents:

:::Last time I:::

110. Hugged someone?:
too long

101. Saw someone:
too long

100: Cried in front of someone?

90. Who is the ditziest person you know:
Jamie it's me, I'm the ditziest! lol. umm...Jamie is pretty ditzy too...jk :P

89. Who makes you laugh?
nobody anymore

88. Last show you watched?

87. What you don't understand is?

80. The most unsatisfying answer I've ever received is?
"stop, stop trying, im gone" -.-

86. Something I will really miss when I leave home is?

75. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is?

73. Tomorrow:

72. Today:

71. Next Summer:
far away

70. This Weekend:

67. People call me:
he used to call me "Baby" now he just calls me "Christina" :,,,,,,,[

62. The person(s) who knows the most about me is:
Max, Bec,

60. The most difficult thing to do is:

59. I haven't gotten a speeding ticket:

55. The first person i talked to today was:

54. First time you had a crush:

53. The one person who I can't hide things from:

52. Last time someone said something you were thinking:
too long. too soon

51. Right now I am talking to?

50. What is your dream job?
Photographer<---creeper Jamie, yousa creeper :P

49. First job?:
none really

47. I have had these pets:
HAHA!!!!!!! you expect me to list all of them!? that's like over 100!!! ahh thats great.

46. I can still picture:
the first time i saw him, his smile,his face so close to mine...

45. The worst sound in the world is:
him saying "bye"

44. The person who makes me cry the most is:

43. Best sound in the world?:
his voice.

42. Who makes you happy?

38. Cats or dogs?:

35 Myspace or Facebook?
Facebook eh, whatever

34. Mexican food or Chinese?

33. My favorite piece of clothing?

32. My favorite color(s) are:
Black, purple, blue,

31. Last time I cried:

30. My friends are:
mediocre??? lol jk

29. My computer is:
a Mac<333333333333333

27. Last person I got mad at?

26. Person you secretly like?
him, but it isn't secret so yeah...

25. Favorite food place?

24.Favorite song:

23. Paper or plastic?

22. The all-time best show is:

21. The all-time best feeling in the world is:
his arms around me...etc

20. Favorite scent?

19. What color is your hairbrush:
blood red

18. Favorite shoes:

17. I lose all respect for people who:

15. Color of your room?:
multiple mostly purple

14. TV channels you watch?:

13. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex:

11. The worst pain I was ever in was?
this. right now.

10. Best Memory?
with him.

9. Favorite TV show?

8. My favorite singer:
M. Shadows

7. Favorite Stuffed Animal:

6. Greatest Fear:
losing him completely, dying without him, never getting him back

5. My weakness is:

4. When was your last concert?
Winter jam, the day I met Max

3. Who broke your heart?

2. One thing that makes you feel great is?

1. One person that you wish you could see right now?

A--Age: 17

B--Bed: twin

C--Christina is meh name

D--Dog's name: Pretzel and Molly

E--Essential start your day item: think of him

F--Favorite color: black

G--Gold or Silver: white gold

H--Height: 5'1-ish

I--Instruments you played: trumpet...haha

J--Job title: ruiner of lives, lame,...student.

K--Kid(s): ehh

L-- Living arrangements: me, mom, dad, Pretzel, Molly, WALDO, Sully

M--Mom's name: Mary

N--Nicknames: Cali, Delilah, Birch, Tait, Taiter-tot, Fugelseamius, Snickelfritz, Ina, Baby, Princess, Pretty Princess, Christiner, Christanja, Krysteenuh, Jereann, Stina, Buzzina, McBuzzlebutt/pants?,

O--Overnight hospital stays other than birth: hundreds it seems. multiple multiple surgeries. some more coming up soon. at least 5 or 6...? yup.

P--Pet Peeve: myself...alot

Q--Quote from a movie: anything from The Notebook...etc

R--Right or left handed: originally left?? righty now

S--Siblings: Jason 36, Cassandra 34, Daniel 30, Stephen 27. ................gvlkshvk Mike is 23, heather is...16 I think

T--Time you wake up: I dont remember waking up. I haven't slept in days.

U--Underwear: on

V--Vegetable you dislike: idk

W--What makes you run late: lazy

X--X-rays you've had: all multiple times

Y--Yummy food you make: Um, I just experiment

Z--Zoo favorite: I honestly can't pick just one...

Three names I go by:
1. Christina
2. Jereann
3. Princess

Three Jobs I have had in my life:
2. ...
3. ...

Three Dream Jobs:
1. Photographer
2. DVM
3. Behavorist[!]

Three Places I Have lived:
1. Michigan
2. and Michigan
3. I travel alot though.

Three Favorite Drinks:
1. Mt. Dew
2. Monster
3. Cranberry Juice

Three TV shows that I watch:...(or USED to!)
1. That 70's Show
2. Family Guy
3. Degrassi

Three favorite movies:
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...

Three places I have been:
1. Mexico (EVERYWHERE and all around, California)
2. Canada
3. NYC

People that text me regularly:
1. Bobbi
2. Shelby
3. Kayleigh

Three of my favorite dishes:
2. ...
3. ehh food

Three friends I think will respond:
1. idk
2. idk
3. Hayley maybe

Three things I am looking forward to:
1. seeing him
2. graduating/starting my own life
3. marrying him

Three Wishes (selfish):
1. be with him unlimited
2. royalty
3. wealth i guess

Three Wishes (unselfish):
1. for her to realize what she just said
2. ...
3. my mom is right. "you're cute christina, you should be out with your buddies (Max) not here with us right now, you should be having fun"

Three beautiful things:
1. Max
2. Pretzel
3. non-ugly people

Three favorite flowers:
1. Sweetheart Roses
2. The roses Max got me :D
3. Idk you tell me

Three things I'd like to own that I never have:
1. ...
2. ...
3. something that cannot be owned

Three things I do to procrastinate:.
1. any
2. thing
3. possible

1. Spell your name without E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y, T.

2. Are you single?
Nahh :D<---Well now I am... :[

3. What is your favorite number?

4. What is your favorite color?
purplish-blue <---Same as Ivy<3

5. Least favorite color?
emm...brownish-green<---also same as Ivy!<3

6. What are you listening to?
Max's breathing, he was just running...

7. Are you happy with your life right now?
Mhm. :) <---Well I was...

8. Are you involved with anyone?
Yes, global terrorist...JUST KIDDING! Max<3

9. What is your favorite subject in school/college?
English makes me happy. :]

10. Do you shop at Abercrombie?
Mhm. But not really anymore.

11. Do you have money?

14. Favorite ice cream topping?
REESES HARD SHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<---Ivy is beginning to creep me out! o_0

15. Where do you wish you were right now?
With Ivy! :D I miss her lots! :[

16. What should you be doing right now?
Paying attention to Max, instead of ignoring him, and missing Ivy. :P

Can you blow a bubble? – Indeed.
Can you do a cart wheel? – Nope. :/
Can you touch your toes? – Indeed!
Can you wiggle your ears? – Not that I know of...
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? – Nope

Did you ever want to be a doctor? - Yes
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? – Never
Did you ever want to be a teacher? – Nope
Did you ever break the law? – Mhm

Do you like roller coasters? - No, I hate them.
Do you own a bike? – Not anymore.
Do you play the lotto? – Never.
Do you like football? – Not really.
Do you have a shopping addiction? – Depends.

Does your family have family picnics? – Used to...:/
Does your wallet have any pictures in it? – I don't really have a wallet anymore...

Last person you hung out with? - Max
Last car ride? –Today
Last baby you held? - Smiley Riley<333

What was the last thing you bought? – I can't remember
What was the last thing you had to drink? – Saliva
What was the last thing you watched? – Valkyrie :D
What was the last thing you read? – "Yo!"
What was the last thing you hand wrote? – Password...

Who last talked to you on the phone? –Max
Who was the last person you took a picture of? – Max and I, LAKE HURON! :D
Who last messaged you on Facebook? – Markie<3

What color shirt are you wearing? - grey
Have any tattoos? – nope
Have you any piercings? – mhm
Straight hair or curly? – lame wavy
Where are you? next to Max, kitchen

Accomplished a life goal? – ehh
Sang in front of a crowd? – heh yea

1. Sully
2. Sherbet
3. Ribbons
4. Trophies
5. Stereo

1. Want a relationship? – Have one.
2. Want to get married? – Mhm.

1. Lip butter
2. Pretzel
3. Ivy
4. Max

The way to win your heart?- Figure it out...

When was the last time you really laughed?- too long

Do you drink milk straight from the carton?- heck yes

Who knows a big secret about you?- a person or two that I trust 800% or at least did at one time or another

When was the last time you sang out loud?-today

Breakfast today?- Eggs, toast, :)

Is your birthday on a national holiday?- Indeed. Christina-mas. XP

What instant messaging service do you use?- yahoo, skype

Can you cook?- barely

Did you have a nap today?- Yeah, Max makes a good pillow :D

What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?- Jeans, I guess...

When is your birthday?- The 13th of January

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?- Mi hermana Senora Herman xD <3

Do you have any regrets?- Indeed, many

Do you use an alarm clock?- Nope

What color are your favorite shoes?- Invisible

Are you a social or antisocial person?- Depends

Have the cops ever come to your house, why?- Yes, stabbing.

Do you have a tan? - Ehh

Ever had braces?- Yes.

Are you afraid of the dark?- Nope. I love the dark.

What's your favorite commercial at the moment?- None...

Do you always wear your seat belt?- Nope

Who was the last person to disappoint you?- No comment

You know what you want to do with your life?- Sort of

Do you like American Idol?- Not really

What was the last reason you cried?- No comment

How do you feel about piercings and tattoos?- Ivy those are called Industrials, and yes I like both.

Do you believe that what goes around comes around?- Mhm.

What is your favorite fruit?- Kiwi, blueberries,...lots

Where is one place you want to visit?- Estonia

Done anything illegal?- Mhm

Have you ever crawled through a window?-MANY TIMES ;]

Are you a morning person or a night person?- Night owl

Are you a forgiving person?- depends

Are you taller than 5'6?- DIE.

Okay, so read this all, learn it, know it, love it. Test tomorrow. :)


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